Hello World,

Welcome to my page. I am Yudishthir Lokhande, an aspiring data scientist and full stack web developer.

About Me

Being an army brat I've moved around the country alot. In 2010, finally got a chance to settle and since then Pune has been my home. Grew up in the city, made lifelong friends and a few enemies. Through all this I never had a clue as to what I wanted to become, and hence, I gave JEE, partly because it was the norm and partly because I was intrigued by "Programming".

Never thought that my indecisiveness as kid would direct me towards the path I want to travel for the rest of my life. Didn't make it through IITs but it led me to another college called Manipal Institute of Technology where I'm pursuing a degree in Information Technolgy. It was here that I nutured my interest in the field of Web Dev, Data Science, Food and Photography.



I have been obessed with food ever since I was a child and boy, does it show. This love in turn, allowed me to gain immense knowledge about food cultures and has helped shape the way I like to explore new cultures and places.


I picked up this interest in college. I started dabbling around with my phone camera and showed my work to my family, who they seemed to like it. They then decided to gift me a DSLR for my 20th birthday and the rest is history.


Was curious about the term. Learnt C right after finishing high school. In college, I got exposed to a various aspects of the fields and became heavily interested in the fields of Web Dev and Data Science which brings us to the present.


I'm very active socially, but still am shy talking about random stuff that may pop up in my head. I started the blog to talk about such topics. The 3 am thoughts and ideas, that some may find interesting.



"Every moment you spend on this planet, remember that you are here for a unique purpose and cause, far greater than to just eat, sleep, and talk."

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar